With relaxing piano music playing and beautiful scenes of summer and autumn rolling across the screen, children quickly connected with their senses, slipping into a mindful state with ease, enjoying the moment.
Class by class we shared memorable moments experienced during the summer break, exploring what had made them so memorable and why. It was a pleasure to see the children excitedly recount tales to their peers, to listen to the conversations that followed and for the children to recognise how much they had enjoyed listening and being listened to.
There was a touching moment during a Year 3 lesson when the class had listened wonderfully to a holiday story that culminated in a trip to an ice cream parlour, the storyteller was about to sit down when a fellow pupil’s hand shot up, ‘what flavour ice cream did you choose?’ was the burning question asked - the response of ‘salted caramel’ brought delight to the class and contentment to the young man who had been so absorbed by his classmate’s story.
With very best wishes.
Sally Sharp Head of Wellbeing
The little things? The little moments? They aren't little.