We look forward to seeing you on Friday for our Friends of Edge Grove Welcome Evening! We will provide more information about what the FoEG committee does, past events and how the raised funds have been used. It will be a good opportunity to meet members of the committee as well as other parents and staff. Our first FoEG Coffee Morning will be on Friday 30th September in the Boardroom from 8.30am. Please join members of the committee and other parents at an informal coffee morning. This will be a great opportunity to get involved and meet other parents.
Please keep an eye out for lots more events coming up and if you have any questions about the Friends of Edge Grove please do not hesitate to contact us on foeg@edgegrove.com
Please help the school raise money by shopping via AmazonSmile rather than the normal Amazon website. Select Edge Grove School Trust Ltd as your charity and shop as normal. Click here to find out more.
Open weekly during term time on Wednesday mornings at 8.30am – 10.00am. Payment by debit card only. Donations appreciated - please leave at main reception or bring into the shop.