Thank you to every pupil who has submitted entries for the following house competitions:
Dreams & Goals
House Flag Design
Harvest Scarecrow DesignSpooky Writing
Mr Aitchison and Miss Saville have been super impressed with the thought, creativity and uniqueness of each pupil's interpretations and designs. It has been wonderful seeing what some of your dreams and goals are and we have faith that you will achieve them! We are looking forward to also displaying the excellent Harvest scarecrows around the school next week to build momentum for our Harvest Festival on Wednesday. You can see some pictures below of some scarecrow designs including the Sarnesfield homegrown pumpkin from Mrs Green and her gardening club and then a little bit of paint added by Miss Hughes!The deadlines for the above competitions are now closed and results will be announced during house meetings after half term (week 7).
We are delighted to announce that the following competitions are now live with the following deadlines:
Remembrance Day Creative Arts - 9th November
Short Animated Film/Storyboard - 5th December
See the posters below for details.We hope you enjoy working on your submissions over half term. Good luck!Miss Saville & Mr Aitchison - Head of Houses