After a very exciting presentation last week where Year 8 pupils introduced the rest of the school to the new 16 Edge Grove Core Values, we greatly look forward to continuing to build upon house-spirit and create comradery whilst providing consistent links with these important values. You will see that these values will be implemented and immersed within our school house system where pupils can demonstrate both the personal and purposeful values. We will be focusing and delving deep into specific values during house meetings where Year 8 house captains will lead the way from the front.
We look forward to tomorrow’s house meeting where many interesting, pupil-led discussions will be had.
Don’t forget to bring in props for tomorrow’s house photo during the Year 3-8 house meeting:
What props to use? Must incorporate your house colours! Ideas may include:
Red scarf for Stratton, yellow hoodie for Hedgerows, light blue scarf for Gills, green sunglasses for Sarnesfield and dark blue paper hats for Churchills!
Incorporating the Edge Grove 16 values: perhaps on placards or posters.
Something lion/pride related…
Further house meetings will be held after the Spring holiday and further house photos taken including Pre-Prep with Year 2 captains leading from the front!