Having heard and been inspired by Mr Balfour’s exciting whole school vision to underpin every area and all aspects of school life with a purpose-driven Pastoral Integrity, our Year 8 pupils set to work to come up with a set of distinctive 16 Core Values.
Following a few stimulating and cooperatively engaging sessions together, the group fine-tuned their deliberations coming up with the following core values that they believe are unique to the ethos and culture of this fine school.
For most of them, this important exercise offered an interesting ‘leaving a legacy’ opportunity not to be missed. Realising, as they do, that much of what defines each of them as uniquely talented young individuals has been definitively crafted during their time at this amazing school, they have embraced with enthusiasm and energy this chance to leave their mark.
It was especially appropriate for the Year 8s to present their work during the Headmaster’s Assembly a few days before the half-term break. Whilst understanding that the chosen 16 core values need to be given a final stamp of approval, the eloquent and confident manner in which each of these inspiring young pupil-leaders motivated their chosen values left little doubt that they have captured so much that serves to define this beautiful stand-alone preparatory school.
We look forward to witnessing these confident and competent senior pupils continuing to play their part in preparing the ‘learning for life soil’ here at Edge Grove each day as their legacy tree takes root and begins to bear the fruits that their 16 core values will surely give rise to.
Richard StanleyDeputy Head Pastoral