Here are our proud pupil house captains showing off their house trophies won during our end of term assembly before the winter holidays. It was a fantastic first term for reigniting a palpable sense of house spirit across the Edge Grove community both for during in school and at home challenges. We look forward to further house competitions inspiring pupils this term.
We have a variety of competitions coming up this term including: Edge Grove’s Got Talent, Edge Grove Lexathon 2023, Plant Growing, Badminton, Table Tennis and Board Games which encompasses English, biology, music and drama, sport, strategic game playing: something for everyone! You can find more information on each competition on your child’s house Google Classroom.
Well done to all pupils who took part in last week's cross-country! You should all be very proud of yourself.
Cross Country Results
5th place - Gills4th place - Stratton3rd place - Sarnesfield2nd place - Hedgerows1st place - Churchills