It has been lovely to meet so many of you at the beginning and end of the days and at the Inter-House Cross Country race on Friday. Thank you to the many parents who supported this wonderful event, which celebrated both participation in pursuit of those ever-important house points and elite running, as demonstrated by a number of our fleet-footed runners. Most notable was the extraordinary run by Niccolo, who crossed the finishing line a good minute before the rest of the field. My thanks go to Mr McManus for his excellent organisation of this event. We reviewed this event this morning and have plans for an even better competition next year, perhaps involving parents and some fancy dress so watch this space!
I have also enjoyed meeting your wonderful children around the site over the last few days and, as I commented to the staff in my beginning of term address to them, the Edge Grove Values shine forth from them as they go about their daily learning. We came together as a community for the Beginning of Term Assembly in the Apthorp Hall and it was great to hear from so many of you how much you enjoyed seeing the Mexican wave of Happy New Year rippling up through the year groups from Reception to Year 8. We had the chance in the assembly to reflect on the significance of the New Year, to say goodbye to the year that has passed and to welcome in the new, hopefully with some clear resolutions in place. We even managed to squeeze in a little bit of T.S. Eliot (The Journey of the Magi) to add a little Epiphany to the occasion.
My first few days have been crammed full of meetings to discuss exciting plans for Edge Grove optimisation. I am unfailingly impressed by the dedication and talent of the teaching and non-teaching staff as they put your children at the centre of their thinking in supporting their progress across a broad range of academic, co-curricular and pastoral learning opportunities.
The New Year has started with a definite buzz and energy and I thank you for your support of this wonderful community. If you get the chance to broadcast all of the amazing educational experiences that we celebrate in this newsletter with friends who might be interested in their child joining Edge Grove, please do spread the word!
With best wishes for a happy and successful Spring Term and 2023!
Ed BalfourHead